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Speed Grapher is a 2005 anime series, about a Japanese photojournalist who is on the run for his life after he makes powerful enemies by getting caught infiltrating the inner sanctum of a secret, exclusive underground S&M club catering to the nation's political and economic elites, where he witnesses a depraved ritual.
Eugene Ipavec, 17 Augustus 2010


Lakadonia national flag
image by Eugene Ipavec, 17 Augustus 2010

The series features a fictional country called Lakadonia in a minor capacity; it plays no real part in the plot, the protagonist is merely granted asylum at its Tokyo embassy for a few days. It is described as small, only recently (about 10 years) independent, and an oil producer. Its nationals are of European appearance. Its flag appears in episodes 18 and 19, flying in front of the embassy building: a horizontal tricolor of red/yellow/green, the same as Ghana (though without any charge). The red is an orangeish shade, the yellow a gold-ish one.
Eugene Ipavec, 17 Augustus 2010

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